Doktorica Amy Morris, koja je preživjela rak u trećoj fazi, često dijeli svoje savjete o zdravlju i prehrani na društvenim mrežama. Prema njenim riječima, dvije namirnice koje su posebno korisne za osobe koje su preboljele rak su grah i mahunarke te nemasni proteini.
Grah i mahunarke su bogate vlaknima i mogu smanjiti rizik od povrata karcinoma. Osim toga, sadrže visoke razine vitamina i minerala koji su ključni za održavanje zdravlja. Nemasni proteini, poput piletine i ribe, također su preporučeni jer pružaju potrebne hranjive tvari bez dodatnih masnoća.
Doktorica Morris također savjetuje izbjegavanje alkohola i mesnih prerađevina, jer mogu povećati rizik od ponovne pojave raka. Prehrana bogata biljnim proteinima, povrćem, orašastim plodovima i sjemenkama može značajno doprinijeti oporavku i održavanju zdravlja nakon liječenja raka.
Ovi savjeti naglašavaju važnost uravnotežene prehrane i svjesnog izbora namirnica u borbi protiv raka i održavanju općeg zdravlja.
@dramycancerrecovery Hands up if you are confused about what to eat after cancer! 🙌🏽 A client came to me last week literally in tears. She was SO confused on what she should be eating after cancer. ⁉️Meat – yes/no? ⁉️Sugar – yes/no? ⁉️Alcohol – yes/no? Every time she had a sip of red wine or ate a piece of chocolate, she would stress out about her cancer coming back. She was completely lost and scared. Sound familiar? There is so much misinformation online that you MUST end the google searches. Instead ask a cancer expert – that's me! You can feel confident about what you are eating and how you are fuelling your body after cancer. You just need to learn the basics. You can do this! The Cancer Freedom Program helps women be free from the stress surrounding eating after cancer. Time to feel confident about what you are eating and be free of cancer stress. Click the link in my bio to apply now! #cancernutrition #anticancerfood #cancersux #fcancer #fuckcancer #fucancer #fightcancer #cancerblogger #beatingcancer #beatcancer #stupidcancer #lifeaftercancer #lifeafterbreastcancer #cancersupport #remission #cancerrecovery #chemorecovery #cancerremission #cancercoach #cancerjourney #mastectomy #scanxiety #lumpectomy #doublemastectomy #hysterectomy #radicalhysterectomy #bilateralmastectomy #mdanserson #sloankettering #mdandersoncancercenter
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